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  Literature is the collected works and texts or any form of writing. Literature is available in several form, including poetry, drama, essays, prose, journalism, fiction, and non-fiction. Literature is commonly referred to as prose fiction. Prose fiction is when the writer of a text does not follow a formal structure when writing his/her work. Narrative fiction is generally referred to as novels and short stories. There are several categories that a work of prose fiction may fall under depending on the length or number of words contained in a text or manuscript: flash fiction, short story, novella, or novel.
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Online library of classic english literature from fiction to scientific works.
An index of study guides including subjects such as history, Shakespeare, drama, and poetry.
Providing online literature for students, children, teachers, or enthusiasts.
A compilation of the great books, people, events, and characters in literary history.
Index of scholastic literary works.
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