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  Interactions bewteen two or more nations or countries are described as being International. There are several interactions that make take place between two or more nations such as trade and travel. The global economy allows companies and businesses to assemble and market products internationaly between countries all over the world. For example, a business may be based in one country, but the products that this company creates are assembled in another. The finished product is sold to nations all around the world. This is a common action that take place internationally. Travel is also another interaction that takes place internationally although it is mostly for recreational purposes. However, a large number of individuals and groups travel internationally for business purposes.
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Links 1 - 1 of 1 for topic "International" refined by Asia, Clock, International, North America, Oceania, Time and Time Zones:

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An online clock that profiles the local time in a variety of international locations such as Africa, Asia, South America, North America, Europe, and Oceania.
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