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News and Weather

  Information on current events taking place in any location around the world. Find newspaper headlines, special report bulletins, press releases, and articles pertaining to a wide variety of topics. News is commonly divided into several categories including world news, local news, sports, politics, business, finance, health, and entertainment. However, the most popular form of news is weather. Weather is the condition of Earth's atmosphere in a particular location and time. People refer the weather predictions and forcasts for planning and safety reasons. For example, farmers depend on regional weather forcasts in order to properly manage agricultural functions and tasks. Farmers usually plant crops when weather forcasts predict rain in order to keep their crops well watered. Others refer to weather forcasts to plan vacations and travel for both personal and business purposes. Storms and strong winds may delay flights, while heavy rains call for hazerdous driving condtions. Weather reports, warnings, and advisories are also given as safety precautions in order to alert residents of oncoming dangers from tornadoes, flash floods, snow and ice storms, heavy rains, huricanes, typhoons, forest fires, hail storms, and lightning storms (also referred to electrical storms).
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Cable News Network provides information on current events around the world like weather, entertainment, technology, politics, law, health, space, travel, sports, education, and business.The site is updated continuously throughout the day.
Usa Today
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