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AAPT homepage with information to support physics teachers including professional development opportunities, resources, awards, and more.
Dedicated to the advancement of science education the NSTA membership includes includes science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in and committed to science education.
An organization of professionals and para-professionals who work together to educate children in America.
The MTNA provides support and development for professional teachers of music by providing information about competitions, resources, programs & projects, and professional development.
An education association providing information for independant schools like recruitement, curriculum, funding, enrolement, and more.
An online news source for local and international news including current issues in health, finance, investigations, science & technology, politics, sports, travel, and weather.
Provides information on the bust generation of people born between 1958 to 1968. Interesting facts pertaining to this generation, the baby boomers, and the pre baby boom era are included.
An organization dedicated to the reform of the public school system in America by emphasizing equity, personalization, and intellectual vibrancy.
Online source of info regarding U.S. schools including the latest news, evaluations, and a directory.
Dedicated to exploring the unique works of Rockwell and his contributions to society.
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