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Real Estate

  Immovable property (land and any structure that are attached to this land) is referred to as Real Estate. There are three main types of real estate properties including residential, commercial, and industrial properties. When selling or purchasing real estate, most individuals consult Realtors. Realtors specialize in the valuation, purchase, or sale of real estate properties. There are other types of business in real estate including Appraisal, Brokerage, Development, Property Management, and Relocation. When selling real estate, it is very common to have an appraisal of the propterty. Having the property appraised gives the owner an idea of what their property is worth. Brokers help make the transaction between the buyer and seller of the property. Property managers manage the property for the owner by performing tasks such as collecting rent and performing maintanance to the property. Relocation services help move individuals, families, and companies and other businesses to a different location.
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