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Sports and Entertainment

  Sports is the physical activity, game, or hobby participated in by one or many individuals that has rules set or established to govern the play. Usually, two or more individuals compete in a sport or use the sport for competition purposes. There are several forms of sports. Some of the most popular sports are football, soccar, basketball, football, tennis, golf, snowboarding, skiing, and racing. Sports are also used for entertainment purposes. Entertainment is something that amuses, delights, humors, or indulges an individual or group of people. Entertainment has many other forms other than sports. Entertaiment can be found in television shows, films or movies, music, or radio. Actors, musicians, or personalities that perform in these forms of entertainment are generally refered to as celebrities.
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Links 1 - 1 of 1 for topic "Sports and Entertainment" refined by Australia, Events, Sports, Venues and Wollongong:

Remove: Australia | Events | Sports | Venues | Wollongong
Located in Wollongong, Australia the venue host a variety of concerts, sporting events, conventions, exhibitions, seminars, dinners, galas, and more.
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