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  The transportation of a person or group of people from one point to another is called Travel. This term is also used to refer to the time and/or action of an individual, group, or commodity during the move from one point to another. There are many reason people travel. The most popular type of travel is communiting, which is done for a wide variety of routine purposes. This includes work, school, and shopping. Tourism is recreational traveling. Tourism can take place in one's own town, city, state, or country. Travel to foreign nations and locations is referred to as International Travel. Traveling to a location for religeous purposes such as visiting shrines, temples, or churches are called Pilgrimage.
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Links 1 - 2 of 2 for topic "Travel" refined by Flight, International, Packages, Tickets and Vacations:

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An online "travel agent" that provides information on flights, hotels, car rentals, activities, cruises, destinations, packages, and more to facilitate the vacation experience.
Providing discount airfare, activities, railway tickets, last minute packages, hotel accommodations, vacations, cruises, rentals, and more.
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