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Computers and Software

  Computers are machines that process calculations, operations, and applications at an extremly accelerated pace. These processes mostly include numberic calculations and functions. Computers may also store, construct, or coordinate information. The physical components of a computer are typically referred to as hardware. However, the electronic dialoque that commands and instructs a computer is referred to software. Computers operate on data input or provided by a users and/or other computers. Input devices come in many forms, including keyboards, scanners, touch screens, key pads, or a mouse. Computers output data through devices such as moniters (screens), printers, and plotters. Information may also be saved and stored on devices such as the computer's hard drive, compact discs (CD), digital video discs (DVD), disketts, as well as memory tapes, cartridges, and cassettes. Computers are capable of interacting with each other to share information. This is referred to as computer networking or network communication. An example of this would be the Internet. The Internet is a interacting group of networks and computers working as a complete entity. Computers may be used for several different purposes including word processing, accounting procedures, gaming, and communication.
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